In Other Words

A Contextualized Dictionary to Problematize Otherness


Angeliki Peponi


Angeliki Peponi is PhD student at Communication, Media and Culture Department of Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences (Athens, Greece). Her PhD thesis (Representations of sexual crime in electronic (cyber) press) centers on the study of the representations that are noted in the new media about sexual crime.

She completed her BA in Sociology and she obtained her MA in Criminology, both at Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences. During her MA studies, she had the opportunity to participate in research and published works, such as research project entitled "Energy and local communities", coordinated and edited by Ioanna Tsiganou and Roi Kinti for the National Center of Social Research (EKKE, Greece). 

Also, she participated in research, which was published in the journal "Criminology" (year 2016, issue 1) in article entitled "Evidence of environmental degradation and fear of crime. The case of graffiti in the center of Athens’’ under the supervision of Professor Zarafonitou Christina. 

In general, her research interests include the study of sexual criminality/crime and its manifestations, representations of crime, the configuration of public space in new media, social reaction. 


angeliki_peponi at hotmail dot com


silence published